Quantum Sound Healing

Voice Code Frequencies

Are a personal recording of your voice (reflecting your entire body, mind, emotional, and energetic system) processed to identify which of it's exact frequencies can use some alignment. 3 pairs of binaural beat frequencies are created in 5 octaves to create 22 minutes of audio as your personalized sound frequency healing soundtrack! It is a sound healing session you can take anywhere you go.

Listening to these frequencies up to 3 times daily will produce immediate results in quality of life and overall ease. These frequencies bring the whole self into alignment.

The Voice Code is used as a psychic drill to interact directly with the subconscious mind and the mental, physical, emotional bodies, and energetic body systems to release stuck energy, emotions, and old programing to bring the chakra system and the whole body system into energetic and physical alignment.

Sessions can happen in person or remotely. We work together for approximately one hour and review the frequency adjustments and what your voice imprint says about your physical and non physical energies and how to improve things. The cost is $100 for the session. A download link of MP3 audio and a PDF of your results are sent to you. To update the frequencies and create a new recording with an updated review of the new frequencies is $60. To recieve new frequencies without a review is $20.